Boxing Day Price Now 30% off
This course is on sale before 2020-12-26.
In the class, students will create EV3 robots and program to control robot behavior. They will
•Use different reasoning approaches to evaluate evidence and develop theories
•Create and work with data to solve problems and draw conclusions
•Learn to identify problems and use appropriate tools to find and communicate solutions
•Refine their use of science and engineering practices to solve problems, hone ideas, and evaluate solutions
- Time: 18:30-19:30 Fri. EDT
- 10 lessons (start from 2021-01-15)
- Online classroom
- Student number: 4-6 students (1+ year experiences with LEGO EV3).
- Student age: Age 10-16
- Teacher: Ph. D.
This class will be open only if student enrolled number meets above requirement. Students should have a PC with Windows 7+. EV3 set is not required.
Students should login this website and join it on time.
This class can not be refund.